Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Links Tent


Novel Writing:

The Writing Biz:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why I Write

At a recent meeting of my local writing group, we were asked to write about why we write. Like everyone else, I wrote about how writing is a part of me, how it’s something I don’t really have a choice about.

What I’ve been thinking about since is why I write as a career, and why I aspire to one day see my novel published. There are so many other things I am capable of doing for a living that involve less rejection and fewer blows to my ego.

When I was a kid, I dreamed of changing the world with my words.

In reality, much of what I write is practical stuff that I hope is helpful to some people, but isn’t exactly the answer to world hunger or saving the rain forest. But sometimes I’m fortunate enough to write about something that really matters, something that truly helps someone.  One article I’m especially proud of, The Reality of Motherhood...What Nobody Tells You appeared in the July/August 2006 issue New Beginnings. Thanks to Google Alerts, I’ve found people who have posted new links to this article because they think it’s important.

If my article or story reaches one person who needs to hear my message, then I’ve made a difference. And that’s why I write.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Links Tent, Twitter Style

Not so long ago, I finally found my way onto Twitter, and discovered many of the people who write the blogs I follow, along with a whole bunch of other great information. I’ve been tweeting and retweeting some of the best info I’ve come across. Here’s the best of the best:

Great Resource:
The Bookshelf Muse blog: writing tools and musings about reading, writing and other randomness. There are two great thesauruses (thesaurusi?) in the right-hand column: an emotion thesaurus that lists over 60 emotions and and corresponding actions, and a setting thesaurus that will help you anchor your scenes using all of your senses.

Editing and Story Writing Information: